91503-SZ3-003 is a Honda part number. It is a manufacturer's identification number that is used to identify a specific part or component that is used in Honda vehicles.
In this case, 91503-SZ3-003 is the part number for a Honda door retainer clip. This is a small clip that is used to hold the various panels and components of the vehicle's door in place. It is typically located along the edges of the door panel and is used to attach the panel to the door frame.
To find out more about the specific part that is associated with the part number 91503-SZ3-003, you can search for it on the Honda website or consult a Honda parts catalog. This will provide you with detailed information about the part, including its size, material, and compatibility with different Honda vehicles.
In conclusion, 91503-SZ3-003 is a Honda part number that is associated with a door retainer clip. This is a small but essential component of a Honda vehicle's door, and it is used to hold the door panel in place and provide a secure and durable hold without damaging the door or the frame.
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